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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
January 27 2008, 6:00 p.m.
31 Pecks Lane, Newtown, Connecticut

Commissioners Present: Hovious, Ferguson, Wright (via telephone), Kaley, Wilson and Cramer
Staff Present: Rob Sibley, Deputy Director, Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Executive Session opened at 5:00 p.m. and adjourned at 5:50 p.m.

The public meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

Public Participation:  Representatives for the Vona Subdivision were present.

Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Kaley motioned to approve the minutes of January 13, 2009.  Commissioner Ferguson seconded the motion.  Minutes were discussed and approved unanimously as amended.  


Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates.

1)      Vona Subdivision Open Space Recommendation

Atty. Jim Murphy of Gregory and Adams, P.C., 190 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton, Connecticut distributed revised plans and discussed their responses to the Commission’s requests as noted in it’s letter dated January 15, 2009.

The applicant agrees with the Commission on Item #1 and changed the plans to provide a 25’ wood chipped open space access way from Split Rock Road to Nicolina Way.  The applicant respectfully declined the requests from Items 2, 3, 4 and 5 noting reasons why they are not feasible.  They also asked for more information regarding Item #6.  He stated that although they cannot provide a 25’ town-owned access from Nicolina Way to the open space, they will enhance the 15’ easement by delineating the path with split rail fencing on both sides.  The applicants and Commission discussed possible environmental damage on the property and will walk the site together.

Terry Hennessy and Carol Bussi expressed their concerns over having pedestrian and equestrian access to the open space.  Mr. Murphy stated that he felt there was enough connectivity to the existing open space.  Mr. Wes Stout, 96 Main Street, New Canaan, CT, Landscape Architect and Design explained that Oak Ridge would be a safe route for pedestrian or equestrian use to access open space.  The meeting broke for a 10 minute break at 8:30 p.m., returning at 8:40 p.m.  

Commissioner Wilson noted that the subcommittee discussed a possible walkway strip along Sebastian Trail and would prefer the access from Nicolina Way to the Open space be deeded as open space instead of an easement.  Atty. Murphy noted that deeding that property would limit square footage and the required frontage to pass Planning and Zoning.  

Mr. Gino Vona explained how an easement path along the roads would affect their plans to plant several types of trees along the proposed roads.

Commissioner Hovious asked for discussions and a motion regarding the applicant’s responses to the subcommittee’s requests in the letter dated January 15, 2009.

Regarding Item #1:  Commissioner Ferguson motioned that the Conservation Commission recommend to Planning & Zoning that there be a town-owned 25 foot strip of open space providing access from the end of Nicolina to existing open space.  The map dated 12/10/08 S-5.5 Revised 1-23-09 currently shows it as an easement, but the Conservation Commission prefers it as being open space.  Commissioner Cramer seconded the motion.  The motion passed 4 to 2.

Regarding Item #2:  Commissioner Ferguson motioned that the Conservation Commission accept the applicant’s recommendation that this would be an onerous burden on them.  Commissioner Wright seconded the motion.  The motion passed 4 to 2.

Regarding Item #3:  Commissioner Ferguson motioned to accept the applicant’s recommendation that the Conservation Commission does not include this in their recommendation.  Seconded by Commissioner Wilson.  The motion was approved unanimously.

Regarding Item #4:  Commissioner Ferguson motioned to accept the applicant’s suggestion that we include a 25” town-owned open space corridor from Split Rock Road to Nicolina Way as shown on map S-5.5 dated 12-10-08 revised 01-23-09.  Note that the applicant would increase the width to 50” if required by the Planning & Zoning Commission.  Seconded by Commissioner Kaley.  The motion was approved unanimously.

Regarding Item #5:  Commissioner Ferguson motioned that the Commission agree with the applicant’s contention that they have no responsibility once property is conveyed to the town.  Motion seconded by Commissioner Cramer.  Motion carried unanimously.

Regarding Item #6:  Commissioner Ferguson motioned that this item be tabled subject to the Commission walking the property.  Should it be determined that there is an issue, the Commission will reconvene a special meeting to amend the recommendations to Planning & Zoning.  Motion seconded by Commission Wilson.  Motion carried unanimously.

Regarding stone walls on the property, Commissioner Ferguson motioned to recommend to Planning & Zoning that the existing stone walls be maintained on the property as they are now with the exception of those walls in the areas designated for roadways.  Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion.  Commissioner Cramer suggested it says they be maintained where possible.  Commissioner Hovious suggested where referenced on the map.  Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Cramer motioned that the Commission request along the roadway of Sebastian Trail from Oak Ridge a 15’ woodchip path along side for access to open space.  Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion.  Motion was denied 1 to 5.  

The applicants and Commission will walk the property on Monday, February 2nd at 1:00 p.m.   

2)      Open Space Purchase Discussion and Resolution as Appropriate – The Mason property was approved by the Town.  Mr. Sibley congratulated the commission on a job well done.

3)      Commission Critical Work for 2009 - Tabled

4)      Tax Abatement for Development Rights – Commissioner Wilson discussed her conversation with the planner in Danbury.  Mr. Sibley will meet with representatives in Danbury once the ordinance is passed.  Ms. Hazen is to place a copy of the Danbury language in everyone’s file.    

5)      Natural Resources Inventory RFP Responses – Mr. Sibley stated that he expects responses before the next meeting.

6)      Open Space at Commerce Road Update – Commissioner Ferguson discussed a meeting with EDC members regarding the solar collection devices.  Due to time constraints, a grant was not submitted to the State.  

7)      Open Space Inventory - Commissioner Hovious provided printouts of open space identifications and the Commission discussed ways in which the list can be reviewed and updated.  New software at the Tax Assessor’s office will be helpful.  

New Business

1)      CIP Status

2)      Land Use Budget for Conservation Commission

3)      Request from Inland Wetlands Staff - Mr. Sibley stated that Ann Astarita, Wetlands Enforcement Officer, is asking the Conservation Commission to co-sponsor a wetlands presentation and is asking the Commission for $200 for printing and postage.  Commissioner Ferguson motioned that the Conservation Commission give the Land Use Staff up to $200 of the budget line and agree to co-sponsor this presentation.  Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Ferguson motioned to adjourned at 9:15 p.m.